Monday, March 26, 2012

Sandemanianism: Something to Avoid?

The Lordship Salvation debate goes back to the apostles. What I'm seeing more, especially with new reformed circles, is an old heresy creeping back. Sandemanianism is basically intellectual easy-believism.

After much debate, my friend did some researching and came up with this video. She also put more information to follow. When the teaching of the doctrine of regeneration is neglected, we are in danger of this heresy.

Sandemanianism is synonynous with Glasite (named after the second proponent of this position, John Glas). The Glasites originated in Scotland, and Robert Sandeman brought the theology (then known as Sandemanianism) to Britain and America during The Great Awakening.

Here's some additional info in the topic, including quotes and links. The links provided are *not* meant to point out adherents, this is, literally, the most readily available info:

Calvinist theologian John Duncan referred to Sandemanianism as "the Popish doctrine of faith."

Romanists make faith mere assent - Charles Hodge

Romanists, however, mean by faith mere assent, which a man may have, and be in a state of condemnation, and perish forever. This is their formal definition of faith, as given by Bellarmin himself; and the Council of Trent pronounces accursed those who say that the assent given by unrenewed men to the truth is not true faith - Charles Hodge

Sandeman, the founder of the sect called Sandemanians, asserted as his fundamental principle the deadliness of all doings, the necessity for inactivity to let God do his work in the soul A. Strong; by this they do not mean to imply prior to salvation but always.

Further one of their tenets appears to be no sanctification can evidence to us our justification A. Strong

Cambellism, of which Sandemanianism is an offshoot, share the common belief of intellectual belief as saving faith.

Ann Hutchisons name is brought up by Strong as regards Sandemanians; Check out; her creed in particular. Many elements that pertain to this discussion.

Hutchinson interpreted the doctrine of the Perseverance of the saints according to the Free Grace model, which taught that the saved could sin freely without endangering their salvation, instead of the Lordship salvation model prevalent then and now, which noted that those who were truly saved would demonstrate by seeking to follow the ways of their Savior. Wikipedia

The works of Jonathan Edwards speak against Sandemanianism, and he is frequently cited as a source against it.
Reprint of a great book called Marrow in Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher also an edition that with notes by Thomas Goodwin.

Other related links: