1. Self-admiration – “Look at me!”
a. Natural - my abilities, talents, assets. b. Spiritual - my spiritual gifts, my ministry.
2. Self-aggrandizement – “Don’t I look good/great?”
a. Natural - my looks, my importance.
b. Spiritual - my position in the church.
3. Self-attention – “Listen to me!”
a. Natural - my understanding and viewpoint.
b. Spiritual - my Biblical and theological knowledge.
4. Self-justification – “I am right!”
a. Natural - my way is the right way.
b. Spiritual - our doctrine and polity is right.
5. Self-sufficiency – “I can do it!”
a. Natural - my abilities, my leadership.
b. Spiritual - our programs will make it happen.
6. Self-aspiration – “Let me win!”
a. Natural - competitive spirit; one-up-manship.
b. Spiritual - our statistics will prove us successful.
7. Self-seeking – “Give me mine!”
a. Natural - my rights; what I deserve.
b. Spiritual - our political rights and physical edifice.
8. Self-exaltation – “Praise me!”
a. Natural - my credit, glory, commendation.
b. Spiritual - our procedures and success.